A photo of a very dear friend in Canada on her wedding day many years ago along with myself. With her permission I share these words. She is in hospital in Canada battling cancer for the second time in her life. I telephone her almost daily. Much like myself she is what I call a "loner" one who is content to be with themself living a very simple life. The other day she was taken to the recreation room in the hospital to listen to a group playing Gordon Lightfoot music and she told me she cried.
I, like her, am a fan of his music. One time we were in a pub in downtown Toronto and he was a patron on the dance floor beside us. We share memories together often these days. Friday, in the depth of what I call Montreal cold, we spoke about my listening to Gordon Lightfoot on U-tube and how I cried thinking of her and memories associated with his music.
We minister to one another. I have not seen her in over 30 years. I have not been home to Canada in over 15 years but when I listen to Gordon Lightfoot's music or watch Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue, Canadian Olympic Ice Skating Champions, my heart fills up as do my eyes. My roots go very deep in the "Motherland". She spoke of "HOPE" today ... and I admire her strength and she applauds mine.
May we never take lightly the friendships of the heart, they comfort us with memories and give us quiet reflections of where life has brought us and the journey in-between. I know no matter what the circumstances we are connected in heart and spirit and I sometimes sit in prayer at night and hold her hand and she tells me she can feel it. God is a God of Miracles.
Written by Diane Kirkup 2/4/23
